
An experiment

Giselle C.
Compiling notes and experiences on life, motherhood, mental health, learning, and living a simpler life. This is a life diary of sorts.


 Entry 72/365

To practice. 

From the Latin practicare "to do, perform, practice."

I have tried to draw for almost 2 years, and after this time of good but no intense practice, I can say I can draw. TO draw is to learn to see again the world in shapes and forms that are known to us circles, rectangles, squares, and curved lines...

I love to see the end result. Being able to make an image concrete on paper, it's an activity I intensively enjoy. More than words can say. Does practice make it perfect? I don't know and don't really care.

I just utterly love it. 

Giselle C. 


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