
An experiment

Giselle C.
Compiling notes and experiences on life, motherhood, mental health, learning, and living a simpler life. This is a life diary of sorts.


Entry 65/365


Mother, Mae, Mama. 

We are all and everything. We do the small jobs, the dirty jobs, the invisible jobs, the jobs that matter and that don't. We do the admin, make things work, create, recreate, and adapt. We pick up, drop off, do the homework, clean, cook, and feed, make the spins of Life spin. We are in constant transformation, growing as the little ones grow. We are never the same after being mothers, everything that exists is a second plan. Less important. They are the center of the whole Universe. 

Being a mother is saying no and letting Hell break loose. It's kisses and hugs. It's love beyond measure and understanding. It's disciplining, it's listening to noise all day. It's teaching him to ride a bike and helping a boy to become a man. It's sharing with a girl what makes a woman strong, and what she is capable of. It's giving everything you got and then some more. 

Being a mother is a privilege with very little understanding of what it entails. It's precious like the most valuable diamond one can find. It's the biggest blessing, it's giving your heart to someone else to carry around. Bare hand. 

It's witnessing love growing. A character being formed,  someone becoming an I am. 

It's the longest, deepest, most enriching adventure within oneself. 

There is nothing like being a Mater. Happy Mother's Day. 

Giselle C. 


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